The CeVi collection organizes the collection of blood samples from lymphoma patients who have received CAR-T cells. This collection, named CeVi CAR-T, is managed by CALYM and the CRYOSTEM network.

A research project was initiated using these blood samples by Dr. Sylvain Lamure, member of the LYSA and hematologist at Montpellier University Hospital. The objective is to study the metabolic parameters that may be related to the efficacy and safety of CAR T-cells. Analysing the amount of nutrients in the patients’ blood at the time of treatment will provide information on the metabolic environment promoting the expansion of CAR T-cells after injection or supporting their efficacy. It may also help identify risk factors associated with the toxicities of CAR T-cell therapy. This project could also lead to the improvement of CAR T-cell therapies through the modulation of the metabolic environment.
This project uses samples of 100 patients diagnosed with Diffuse Large Cell B Lymphoma (DLBCL) participating in the CeVi CAR-T collection. The biological assays are analysed along with data from patients’ medical records, including clinical and imaging data (PET-scanner), collected via the DESCAR-T registry. The data and samples are transferred by LYSARC and analyzed at Montpellier University Hospital. No link can be made with the patients’ identity during this project.
A huge thank to the patients in the DESCAR-T registry, and especially if you are diagnosed with Diffuse Large Cell B Lymphoma (DLBCL) and participate to the CeVi CAR-T collection. If you wish to object or get more information regarding the use of your data for this analysis or in the registry, you can contact the doctor at your care centre for your treatment by CAR T-cells or make a request at You can find more details on your rights regarding your data in the section “I am participating or have participated in a clinical trial“.