LYSARC in a nutshell
The LYSARC, The Lymphoma Academic Research Organisation, is the largest European academic structure dedicated to lymphoma research operations.
Originating from the evolution of the organisations GELARC (adult lymphoma study group – clinical research) created in 2000, the LYSARCpromotes and conducts many phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 clinical studies in the field of lymphoma research every year. It also enables non-interventional and ancillary studies.
The LYSARC forms the operational structure of the LYSA, the leading international cooperating group for clinical lymphoma research. The association of professionals in the LYSARC and LYSA organisations provides unique expertise, both scientific and operational, to conduct lymphoma research projects at the international level.

The LYSARC aims to produce high-quality data in order to improve the state of knowledge about the diagnosis, treatment and care for patients suffering from lymphomas.
- Conducting clinical, biopathological, epidemiological and real-life studies on lymphomas
- Contributing to the deliberations and/or strategic decisions of the LYSA decisional scientific bodies with professional and scientific expertise
- Supporting the lymphoma research actors, especially in the form of guidance, technical support and training in investigating centres
- Ensuring the development and wellbeing of internal teams
Mode of operation
The LYSARC is a 1901 Law association that combines all the expertise necessary for conducting lymphoma research projects.
- The LYSARC mode of operation is based on operational resources spread across two main centres: Clinical Operations and Platforms. These operational teams are supported by other departments (administrative, finance, human resources, legal, IT). A Quality Assurance department completes the central structure.
- The management is ensured by the chairman, Pr Franck Morschhauser, and the Director General, Pr Pascal Bibault. The LYSARC has an Administrative Board consisting of doctors with lymphoma expertise (clinicians, pathologists, biologists) who are internationally-renowned for their research and scientific publications on this cancer.
- The LYSARC is a multi-site structure, with staff located in France and in Belgium, as close as possible to the research teams. The main sites are the Lyon-Sud hospital centre (Pierre-Bénite, France), the Saint-Louis teaching hospital (Paris, France), the Henri Mondor teaching hospital (Créteil, France) and the Mont-Godinne teaching hospital (Yvoir, Belgium).
- The LYSARC main office is located in France, at the heart of the Lyon Metropole, a hub for cancer research that possesses a strong network of actors involved in lymphoma research. The LYSARC offices are next to the LYSA offices (clinical lymphoma research network), those of the Carnot Institute CALYM (consortium of organisations dedicated to partnership-based research) and those of the ELI (group of the best European specialists in lymphoma research). All these organisations involved in lymphoma research have been sharing a space of approximately 2000 m2 since 2020, an ideal way of reinforcing interactions and creating new joint initiatives.

The LYSARC is a non-profit association (1901 Law) that aims to facilitate and accelerate lymphoma research.
The means that finance the association resources mainly come from public subsidies and research collaborations with public or private partners. The relationships with these partners are limited to collaboration contracts. The LYSARC is independent from the public authorities and hospitals, as well as from the industrial sector, health care and pharmaceutical companies.
Independence and transparency are two essential values for the LYSARC. Its accounts are regularly examined and submitted once a year to the approval of the General Assembly, after the opinion of the auditor is provided.
The LYSARC is an actor involves in the Lymphoma Research Experts ecosystem. Its expertise and experience are recognised at the national, European and international levels.
- A committed actor in the field of lymphoma research at the international level, conducting multi-country clinical research projects in collaboration with the LYSA clinical research network and its partners abroad.
- Labelled as a “French cooperating intergroup with international scope in the field of clinical cancer research”, along with the LYSA, by the French National Cancer Institute
- Co-founding member of The European Lymphoma Institute (ELI), which gathers the best European lymphoma specialists in the framework of an institute dedicated to research, training and education on this disease
- Co-founding member of the Carnot Institute CALYM dedicated to partnership-based lymphoma research in France
- Tight collaboration with all the actors involved in lymphoma research: hospitals, universities, research organisations, clinical haematology groups, Oncology Cooperating Groups, learned society, health authorities…