The REALYSA study aims to improve knowledge about lymphoma and the lives of patients with lymphoma. Thanks to the large number of patients involved, many research projects on specific research questions can be conducted. One of these projects, called PELYCANO, involves patients who have diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Why is this study being implemented?
Lymphoma mostly affect people over the age of 60. The management of these elderly patients is the same as that of younger people when their overall state of health allows it. Otherwise, treatments are adjusted to the physiological age of the patients, i.e. taking into account their fragilities and vulnerabilities. Treatments can thus be better tolerated while remaining effective.
There is currently little real-life data (i.e. outside of clinical trials) on elderly patients with lymphoma, both in terms of care pathway, management and lifespan. In addition, it has been shown that social inequalities can have an impact on care and lifespan, but this impact remains poorly understood.
The study is carried out to improve knowledge on these aspects.
What are the objectives of the study?
The study aims to describe, within REALYSA, the population of people over 60 years of age who have diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, to characterize their care pathways and the treatments received.
It also aims to study the impact of the accumulation of vulnerabilities, in particular socio-economic factors, on the care pathway and lifespan.

How will the study be conducted?
The study will be based on the analysis of data from the medical records of patients participating in REALYSA and questionnaires already completed by these patients.
The identity of patients will not be retrieved as data is anonymized.
This study is carried out by the EPICENE team in Bordeaux. It is coordinated by Sandra Le Guyader-Peyrou and Christelle Cantrelle. It is financially supported by SIRIC BRIO.
The study will take place over 2 years, between January 2022 and December 2023.
What does this study mean for you?
This study is only among patients participating in REALYSA who have diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
If you are in this situation and you agree with the reuse of your data for this study, there is no direct implication for you.
In particular, you will not have to answer any additional questionnaire compared to what is already planned as part of your participation in REALYSA.
What should you do about this study?
There are two options:
- You do not object to the use of your data in the context of the study:
In this case, you don’t have to do anything.
- You wish to object to the use of your data in the context of the study:
In this case, please inform the physician who invited you to participate in the REALYSA study. You can also notify your decision by writing an email to the following address:
You will find detailed information about your rights to object to the use of your data on page 12 of the information provided to you when you agreed to participate in REALYSA.