Peripheral T lymphomas (LTP) represent 6-7% of non-cutaneous non-Hodgkin lymphomas in France. Currently, the choice of treatment for patients with LTP depends on LTP subtype, patient’s age and comorbidities. In general, patients receive anthracycline-based chemotherapy including cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (CHOP), sometimes combined with etoposide (CHOEP), especially in patients younger than 60 years. The response rates to these treatments and the survival of these patients could be improved and the optimal treatment better defined.

Thus, it seems important to know the treatment practices for patients with real-life LTP in the centers participating in the REALYSA study. The TAKEDA laboratory, partner of REALYSA, asked information on the management of patients with LTP. The objective of this project was to describe the profile and the treatments received in the first line of patients with T lymphoma included in the REALYSA cohort. The project leader is an industrial partner supporting the study. The analysis was carried out in March 2020, on 31 patients with peripheral T lymphoma included in the REALYSA database.