Discover the Lymphoma Research Experts ecosystem

A multidisciplinary ecosystem

The LYSA, LYSARC and the Carnot Institute CALYM form a multidisciplinary ecosystem of more than 800 professionals committed to lymphoma research. Their shared mission: fighting against lymphomas, researching better treatments and improving the patients’ quality of life.


A network of clinical research professionals

The Lymphoma Study Association, or LYSA, is the internationally leading cooperating group for lymphoma research, conducting clinical studies ranging from the first tests of new medicines on humans to the establishment of reference therapeutic strategies.

Learn more about the LYSA


Academic research organisation linked to the LYSA

The Lymphoma Academic Research Organisation, or LYSARC, is the LYSA operational structure that conducts clinical research projects on lymphomas at the international level.

Learn more about the LYSARC

Carnot CALYM Institute

A consortium of experts dedicated to partnership-based research

The purpose of the Carnot CALYM Institute , Consortium for the acceleration of innovation and its transfer to the field of lymphoma research, is to favour the development of diagnostic and care solutions for lymphomas, in partnership with the socio-economic sector. It consists of 20 complementary research organisations: 18 public research laboratories, the LYSA and the LYSARC.

Learn more about the Carnot CALYM Institute

A long-standing commitment

The origin of the Lymphoma Research Experts dates back to the 80s and 90s. European lymphoma research experts coordinated their efforts and competences over the years to create a prime multidisciplinary ecosystem at the international level.


The LYSA cooperating group was born in February 2012 from the fusion of two research groups that had already been working for several decades:

  • The GELA (the Adult Lymphoma Study Group), created in 1948 in the form of an association to group the experts of various different disciplines and nationalities (France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland);
  • The GOELAMS Lymphoma Committee (“Groupe Ouest-Est d’études des Leucémies Aigües et autres Maladies du Sang”, West-East group for the study of acute leukaemia and other blood diseases), a clinical research group founded in 1992 from the fusion of the West and East French haematology centres, associated with certain Parisian centres.

The LYSARC, the LYSA operational structure, was also created in 2012. This research structure was created on the basis of the the GELARC (“Groupe d’Étude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte – Recherche Clinique”, adult lymphoma study group – clinical research), an organisation that had been conducting lymphoma research projects since 2000.

The LYSA and the LYSARC are two of the twenty CALYM member organisations, a French consortium with the “Carnot Institute” label, of which the creation in 2011 reinforced and facilitated strong interactions between academic research structures and the socio-economic sector.

The interactions within the Lymphoma Research Experts ecosystem are reinforced even more in 2020, with the installation of the LYSA, LYSARC and CALYM head offices in one building in the Lyon metropole, an important cancer research hub.


International scope

The Lymphoma Research Experts ecosystem is active and recognised at the international level. Its work is published in leading medical journals, and is regularly cited in international congresses.


Examples of international activities and contributions:

  • Key international research projects
  • Definition of several lymphoma care standards
  • Contribution to the commercialisation authorisation for new agents/indications in lymphoma treatment in Europe/the United States/the rest of the world
  • Updates to the OMS lymphoma classification
  • Definition of widely used prognostic indexes (IPI, FLIPI-1 et -2, …)
  • Active participation in multi-national research networks (Lunenburg Lymphoma Biomarker Consortium, Bio-CORAL, NCI/Interlymph Genetic Consortium, EuroClonality /EuroMRD networks…)
  • Involvement in the The European Lymphoma Institute (ELI), which gathers the best European lymphoma specialists in the framework of an institute dedicated to research, training and education on this cancer.

Strong anchorage in France

The Lymphoma Research Experts ecosystem (LYSA, LYSARC, CALYM) was created in France and maintains strong relationships with many national actors involved in the fight against lymphomas.


Examples of interactions in France:

  • Health authorities : “Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé” (ANSM), the French national agency for medicine and health product safety; “Haute Autorité de Santé” (HAS), the French High Authority for Health
  • Competitiveness centres:
  • Cancer centres:
  • Learned society: The French Haematology Society
  • Patients association: France Lymphome Espoir
  • Public interest groups, associations and research foundations: The French National Cancer Institute, the French League Against Cancer, the ARC Foundation for cancer research
  • The network of 39 Carnot Institutes dedicated to partnership-based research
  • Hospitals, universities and research organisations