RedTalks #7 Saison 3: MYC-translocated leukemias and lymphomas: from multi-OMICs analyses to pathogenetic concepts

CALYM Institute launches its RedTalks, a Series of scientific Webinars

Date : Thursday, Julie 6th 2023 – 6:00 PM (CET)


Speaker : 


 Modérateurs :


  • Sarah Huet, Molecular hematology biologist at Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud – HCL


  • Fabrice Jardin, Hematologist at Centre Henri-Becquerel, Rouen


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We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. med. Reiner Siebert, Professor of Human Genetics at Ulm University.

Reiner Siebert is a distinguished figure in the field of Human Genetics, currently holding the position of Professor of Human Genetics and Director at the Institute of Human Genetics, Ulm University and Ulm University Medical Center in Germany. Pr. Siebert completed his medical education at the University of Essen, Germany, from 1989 to 1996 and obtained his Medical Doctorate (M.D.) from the University of Essen in 1997. Under the mentorship of Pr. W. Grote and Prof. B. Schlegelberger at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany, he further pursued his medical and academic training and received his Board Certification as a Specialized Human Geneticist in 2004 and his Postdoctoral Thesis (Habilitation) in “Human Genetics” in 2001. In 2006, he was appointed as Professor of Human Genetics and Director of the Institute of Human Genetics at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany, from which he moved to Ulm University in 2016.

Professionally, besides being medical head of a clinical and laboratory genetics service, Pr. Siebert pursues his broad research agendas dealing the (epi)genetic mechanisms of physiologic and disease development, the mapping of the normal and disease-associated human (epi)genome, the identification of biomarkers and the development of (epi)genomic assays and technologies. Among other his team contributed to the Human Genome Mapping Consortium, the International Human Epigenome Consortium and the International Cancer Genome Consortium and Pr. Siebert is Fellow of the Center of Integrated Quantum Science and Technology. The diseases Pr. Siebert’s research is focussing on are, besides haematologic malignancies, also pediatric cancers, obesity, imprinting syndromes and neurodegenerative disorders.

Since the beginning of his academic career, lymphoma has been a very focus of the research of Pr. Siebert. He served as a Senior Advisor and subsequently member of the Expert Panel for World Health Organization (WHO) classification of lymphomas, as coordinator of the Working Group “Genetics” of the Network “Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas” funded by Deutsche Krebshilfe and as the coordinator of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Project ICGC MMML-Seq. For his research on lymphomas, he has received numerous accolades, including the Prize of the Kiel Medical Foundation and the opportunity to deliver the prestigious John Ultmann Memorial Lecture at the 14th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma in Lugano, Switzerland, in 2017.

Pr. Reiner Siebert and his collaborators pursue a global approach to B-cell lymphomas, trying to integrate all the clinical, genomic, epigenomic and transcriptional data available. In particular, he presented multiple cutting-edge studies on the molecular characterization of Burkitt Lymphoma using array- and next-generation sequencing based profiling which have been published in prestigious journals like the New England Journal of Medicine or Nature Genetics.

Last but not least, we are also pleased to welcome great moderators: 

    • Dr. Katia Basso, Associate Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology (in the Institute for Cancer Genetics) at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC)
    • Sarah Huet, Molecular hematology biologist at Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud – HCL
    • Fabrice Jardin, Hematologist at Centre Henri-Becquerel, Rouen.




Vidéo : RedTalks S3e7: MYC-translocated leukemias / lymphomas: multi-OMICs analyses to pathogenetic concepts

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