Cellules Vivantes CALYM

EBMT Congress 2020: presentation of the CeVi_CAR-T collection

For the 46th edition of the international meeting of the European Society for Bone and Marrow Tranplant (EBMT) that will take place from August 29th to September 1st 2020, CALYM and CRYOSTEM are co-presenting the following e-poster: « A French biobanking initiative intended to monitor CAR-T cells administration in the lymphoma field », by Emilie Robert and al.

After having demonstrated their ability to set up the first collection of viable cells from patients with lymphoma (CeVi_Collection) and the first European collection of biological resources dedicated respectively to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, CRYOSTEM and CALYM have combined their expertise to create CeVi_CAR-T Collection: a biocollection of lymphoma patients receiving treatment with CAR-T cells.

(Session of 08/31/2020, 09:30 – 19:00 – CAR-based Cellular Therapy – clinical)



With the creation of the first biobank focused on patients treated with CAR-T cells, the CeVi_CAR-T collection opens up a new landscape for research teams allowing the development of ambitious and state of the art research programs by providing access to the necessary material.



About CALYM:

CALYM is a consortium aiming to promote innovation in lymphoma research and to accelerate its transfer to clinics and the health industry.

The Carnot institute has the CeVi_collection project to create a unique collection of viable cells from lymphoma patients. This collection is dedicated to lymphoma research through Carnot CALYM Institute members. The samples and associated data management is ensured by dedicated tools within CALYM. https://lymphoma-research-experts.org/calym/

To know more about the CeVi collection: https://lymphoma-research-experts.org/calym/explore-the-resources-of-the-consortium/cevi-collection/



CRYOSTEM is a prospective national cohort of biological samples derived from blood samples from donor / recipient couples having received pre- and post-allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell transplantation (HSC). The aim is to study post-allogeneic HSC transplant complications. CRYOSTEM is today a highly functional network, bringing together all French transplant units and 28 biological resource centers (CRBs) spread across France. CRYOSTEM is currently the only collection of biological resources in Europe in the field of hematology dedicated to bone marrow transplantation complications. The governance of CRYOSTEM has been ISO 9001 certified since February 2015 for the management and coordination of the network, thus guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the samples in the CRYOSTEM collection. https://www.cryostem.org/en/